In this article you will find out how to write a support request for Yuno
- I want to follow a new technology
- Account blocked
- Question/remark about a bulletin
- Incident / operational question
- Declaring a new tenant
Support requests for Yuno must be submitted via the "Submit a ticket" page and selecting the "Yuno" product : https://xmco.freshdesk.com/en/support/tickets/new
I want to follow a new technology:
Monitoring a new technology within Yuno requires specific development.
Please indicate in your request :
- The name of the technology to be tracked
- The name of the publisher
- A source on which the security releases are published.
Example of a ticket
Subject: "Follow-up of technology [TECHNOLOGY NAME]".
Body: "Hello,
We would like to add [TECHNOLOGY NAME] from [EDITOR NAME] to the Yuno monitoring list.
You can find details of the security updates at this address: [UPDATE ADDRESS].
Thank you in advance."
Account blocked:
Before reporting a blocked account, please try to reset the user's password from the Portal login page.
Please include the following with your request:
- A description of the problem
- A screenshot or the error message that was displayed
- The username of the blocked user (usually their email address)
Example of a ticket
Subject: "Blocked user"
Body: "Hello,
The user [LOGIN] has been blocked on the portal login page after entering his login and password.
The following error is displayed: "You are not authorised to access this module".
Thank you in advance."
Question/remark about a bulletin:
If you have a question/comment about a bulletin, please indicate the exact name of the bulletin or its CXA reference in addition to your question.
Example of a ticket
Subject: "Question about newsletter [NEWSLETTER REFERENCE/BULLETIN TITLE]".
Content: "Hello,
We have a question about the bulletin "[BULLETIN TITLE]" (reference [BULLETIN REFERENCE]).
Thank you in advance."
Incident / operational question:
If you encounter a problem or have a question about the operation of the platform, please let us know:
The exact problem you are experiencing:
- If it is a problem with the Portal/the Portal API: what were you trying to do? Where did you encounter the problem? Please attach a screenshot/video of the problem.
- If it's a problem receiving certain bulletins: which technology(ies) are affected? How critical? What type? Which users? For how long?
NB: If your problem is that you are not receiving your daily cyber watch, please check your junk mail or your filter.
- The user(s) concerned
Example of a ticket
Subject: "I have not received any Fortinet newsletters since 15 March 2023".
Content: "Hello,
I haven't received any bulletins from Fortinet since 15 March 2023. Even though a new security bulletin was published by the company on 20 March 2023.
This problem affects three users: [USER LIST].
Could you please investigate the matter?
Thank you in advance."
Declaring a new tenant
As part of a delegated multi-tenant configuration, you will be required to declare tenants for the companies you wish to include in the Yuno cyber watch
To ensure that this happens as smoothly as possible, please submit a ticket or send an email to [email protected] and [email protected]:
In the subject line of the ticket:
- The name of your organisation
- Mention the addition of tenant